A little help goes a long way

21 Jun

When I learned I was pregnant,I knew I was going to breastfeed once the baby was born with the support from my husband and veteran breastfeeding mother and sister. Once he was born and began to breastfeed, I started to experience issues. After 5 days of breastfeeding, tears, fears and inadequacy as a mother began to emanate in my mind.  All of my support people had stood by feeling helpless as both the baby and I sat crying because we weren’t connecting and it seemed like, it wasn’t working. I began feeling devastated. After a visit to the pediatrician’s office and an easy suggestion, I remembered where I could turn. Jenn, a local maternity/infant specialty store owned by a breastfeeding mom and LC was just the person that I needed to see.  As the phone dialed,I prayed that she would be available. She had rearranged her time and schedule to meet me for an LC appointment to help because she wanted me to be succesful: knowing nothing about me or prior background, she was more than willing to help. When I showed up on her doorstep(to the store) and had tears welling up in my eyes, she hugged me. What a relief: a simple hug made me feel immediately reassured of how normal my situation and feelings were. After one appointment, I had felt confident and calm and already began succeeding in the latching and other various issues we were having.She called me the next day and for the following week to make sure I was still doing well. Because of this one appointment and a free breastfeeding support group she started, we are still breastfeeding and helping other mom’s become just as successful. I have become a support for other mommy’s and have been successful for eight months with my own child. None of this wouldn’t have been possible with out Jenn’s help and support from one visit, one phone call, we have been doing so well! I can’t thank her enough, I’ve never wanted anything more as a mother to breastfeed and with her support and help, she gave me exactly that!

A personal story by Amelia Breitmaier

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